Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I kind of like this blog-stuff

I have a cold today, and it's making me foggy. Somehow I taught my classes without too much of a hitch, but for a few kids who came in after school - the "help" was pathetic. Last week my class sounded like someone had set up a wave made out of coughs. Now, I've got the cough.

I've been reading the Lightning Thief, and enjoying it immensely. It's obviously aimed at 12 year old boys. What does that say about me? I haven't read much in a while. I've been teaching an Honors Math Analysis class that has taken up most of my spare time, at least, I've let it do that. This seemed like an easy read. Plus, Sean, who at seven has just taken up reading for real, asked me how I liked it. I was embarrassed to admit I hadn't started it. I'll see him at Spring Break, and want to talk to him about the book!

Blogging must be good for me, I haven't coughed since I began this note.

1 comment:

  1. I'm also reading The Lightning Thief. My son just finished the second book and will start on the third tonight.
