Monday, June 18, 2012


The weekend of May 18 - 20, Charlie, Val Crane (Sarah's mom), and I drove to Hayward to help celebrate Sarah's formal presentation of her Masters in Library Science.  Val lives in San Diego, and the drive to Hayward is around 12 hours for her.  To break up the trip, Val drove to South Pasadena, then Charlie, Val, and I drove onto Hayward.  It was a great trip up and back.  We've had chats with Val before, of course, but sitting in the car for six hours, we had a great chatty trip up and back.  We stopped at a rest stop and had a great picnic for dinner, too.

Sarah got her Masters the next day (Saturday) in San Jose.  Val had mentioned that she hadn't been in San Jose for years, and that it was a bit ratty.  I mentioned that I had never been in the city before, but had only drive by on the freeway.  From the freeway, San Jose looks lovely.  Up-close and personal, San Jose is a bit ratty.  Lots of bums.  We parked a bit far away from the hotel where the ceremony was to take place.  Ian moved his car quickly.  Charlie and I moved to a closer parking lot afterward.  Here are some photos of the cheering section waiting for graduation to start.

After the ceremony, we managed to find Sarah, and have a snack.

We then drove back to Hayward and had a great Chinese dinner.  Congratulations Sarah!  This ultimately led to a job!  Huzzah!

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