Monday, June 18, 2012


Glenn left for his European talk-a-thon on June 14.  He flew to France, and as I write this, is in Paris about to give the first of at least 10 talks over the course of a month.  Krysty, deciding that staying alone in Vancouver wasn't nearly so much fun as coming down to South Pasadena and hanging around with all of us.  She flew down with both Kayley and Holly, the dog on June 13th.  Ian, Sarah, Sean, and Harriet decided this would be a golden opportunity to come see Kayley.  They have all been down to LA several times, but haven't had their trips overlap for ages.  Sarah had just heard that she had a job, so the trip became a celebration too.

Krysty got cool pop-up books for Sean and Harriet (I didn't manage to get a photo of Harriet's book) And Kayley got a Pete's Buttons book which Harriet read to her.
But here are some photos:

Now that Wally wasn't the only "dog in town"  he needed a gift too.

The afternoon was warm, so we went out to splash around in the hot tub.  It was warm enough that Ian, Sarah, and Harriet (and Sean for a time) popped over to the much - cooler main pool.  Here are some photos.

We had a lovely Chinese dinner at our old stand-by Spring Garden Restaurant in Pasadena.  We figured out that we've been going there for 33 years.  Glenn was Kayley's age when we started to go there.
The next morning we had French toast.  Then Krysty went to the "blue house" to see her parents, and Ian, Sarah, Sean, and Harriet headed back up north to Hayward.  It was a perfect week-end!

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