Wednesday, February 23, 2011


From the beginning of winter break until the beginning of February, we had a lot of house guests.  It was hectic, but a lot of fun.  The most difficult part of the month + was having company and needing to work at the same time.  Ultimately, it just made me tired.  Glenn, Krysty, and Kayley showed up first.  Due to the work on Krysty's parents' house, our house became home base.  When Ian, Sarah, Sean, and Harriet came through, we ran out of bedroom space, so Ian and Sarah ended up on futons in the living room.  Ian and Sarah (and children) came down again for New Year's  - more futons on the floor.  At the beginning of January, Glenn made a trip to Vancouver to do some work - Krysty stayed with us.  Toward the middle/end of February, Glenn took a two week trip around Canada to recruit for UBC.  Krysty went to Oklahoma to see her Grandma and cousins for the first week.  The second week she was back with us.  Then they left to drive back to Vancouver.  Our house was so QUIET it was unsettling.  The photos above are a few from our time of company.

We had driven up to see Ian and Sarah before December.  Here's a photo of our rainy trip down.

Over President's Day week-end we drove back to Ian and Sarah's.  Another rainy week-end, but Sarah found an indoor miniature golf course.  Half of it was normal room light.  The other half they had darkened and had glow-in-the-dark holes (our balls, clubs, and anything white glowed too).  Here's a photo of our favorite site on the way to and from the north - good old Arvin Edison.
 Now the visitors, trips, and company are over.  Just some quiet week-ends and teaching until spring break and a trip to Vancouver.  Later on, a trip to see Ian and Sarah again.

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