Wednesday, April 3, 2019


July 14-15, 2018
Charlie and I have been married 50 years.  Good grief!
Ian, Sarah, Sean, and Harriet drove down from Hayward.  Glenn, Krysty, Nathan, and Kayley trekked in from Vancouver.  We had a picnic.  Originally we were really going to go whole hog (Hawaii, Luaus, all the above), but settled on a quiet backyard affair.  Much nicer.

Dessert was my favorite, fruit tart from Nicole's

Family isn't as enthused as I am about the tart.

After dinner we cooked marshmallows over the fire pit.  It was a hoot. Hard to get them to the right consistency.  We tended toward charcoal lumps.

June 30
March against Trump's immigration policies.

Charlie and I took the train to downtown LA to participate in a march.  I don't think the marches do a whole lot, but they make me feel like I'm not just watching the despicable behavior and not responding at all.  Here are some photos of the march.

A view on the Gold Line train to downtown.

A lot of people showed up!  
The clever signs are my favorites!

I never saw this before!  Kind of nifty.  It's in downtown LA

June 6 - June 27 Vancouver
I went to Vancouver the beginning of June.  Charlie joined me later. 
One of my first duties was to join Glenn, Krysty, Nathan, and Kayley on a ferry ride to Vancouver Island to pick up their new puppy, Riley.  Glenn rented a larger van so we could all squeeze in comfortably, and off we went.  We managed to get the front row on the ferry over to the island.  I never had such a great seat before!
Our front row ferry seat.

Below are some views from the ferry.  Rather than getting out and running around the boat, we sat and watched from our great viewing position

The ride's almost over.  This was a great trip.
Kaley meets Riley and his mom.

Nathan, Glenn and Riley

Krysty gets a chance to hug the puppy.

Nathan, Kaley, Riley, Krysty, and Riley's mom
Riley goes home

Holly meets the new puppy.  Hmmm. Not as enthusiastic as the rest of the family.

A few days later, Nathan graduated from Nursery school.  Wow!  He's going to go to kindergarten
in the fall!

A twilight view from the condo.  June evening before we go home

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Sunday, May 20, 2018
A wander about the markets near Notre Dame.  We went on another one of my favorite walks, past Notre Dame to the Ile de la Cite.

On Sundays they sell lots of colorful birds.  
A craft fair and street market is close to Notre Dame too

View of Note Dame from one end.

From Tour de l'Horloge (clock tower) close up

Views of Paris from the island

A local wine bar

We finally decided to go back into Saint Chappelle which is also on Ile de la Cite.  A beautiful day, so the sun makes the stained glass even more beautiful.
Photo of the Chapel while waiting in line.

A few views of the stained glass from the inside.

We ended our day at Luxembourg Gardens - we'd done lots of walking