Saturday, June 4, 2011


On the weekend of May 20 - 22 Charlie and I drove up to Hayward to see Ian, Sarah, Sean, and Harriet.  Ian's first year at Holy Names was over and Sarah's semester was over.  We figured this would be the least intrusive weekend to drive up at this time of year.  I took Friday off from school.  It was a very necessary personal leave day.  I can tell when it's time for a bit of a break - I get down-right cranky.

We drove up at a careful pace.  On our last visit Charlie was convinced that 88 mph was OK on the 5 freeway.  The answer is - "No it isn't".  He got a ticket - did his time in traffic school - and is now on an 18 month - "No more mistakes or points will get added to you license" time.  Actually it was a very relaxing trip, and, actually took about the same amount of time.

Here's some views of Sean and his class's performance

Sean and Harriet played a bit before the songs and dances began.

The 20th happened to also be the end of year dinner at Sean's school for the Mandarin immersion class.  Sarah brought a spinach lasagna (very tasty).  Since everyone brought food - there was a mountain of choices.  Each class (K-3) did a little performance.  On Saturday we drove up to Holy Names to finally see Ian's school.  It sits in a gorgeous location - the hills overlooking San Francisco Bay.  It's not a big place, but has a nice feel to it.  Especially good if you need some stair/hill climbing exercise.

Some views of our walk around Holy Names

Ian had his math/art on display in the library.  One of several there is seen below

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