Monday, April 5, 2010

being a grandma

Glenn, Krysty, and Kayley have been staying here for the past few nights. Kayley is eight months old and is adorable. She crawls around checking things out. We put toys on the floor that are nice and safe. She checks them out for a few seconds, then goes on to much more interesting things - like electric cords and fireplace pokers. The human race is fascinating. It's amazing anyone grows up beyond a few months.

Glenn and Krysty feed her, bathe her, and try to get her to try to go to sleep. She really likes their company and isn't so sure about sleeping in a room alone. As I sit and write this note, she's downstairs, sleeping away on Glenn's chest. She had been in the room upstairs, but woke to discover no one was about. So, she's now downstairs with company. When you can't talk to someone and have any sort of conversation about how "big girls" would go to sleep, you just have to make do.

As a grandma, (grandpas get equal privileges) we get to buy her toys, ooh and aah, and best of all find her parents when things go awry. Sean and Harriet provided equal memories of life with babies. Sigh. They are awfully cute though.

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