Saturday, October 11, 2014


Charlie really wasn't feeling too well.  He stayed home for some extra rest.  Geoff and I went out for coffee and croissant.  Charlie is here to work with Harsha and Geoff - I'm here for the bread and general eats.

Geoff and I went to a Saturday market that is about a block and a half from his condo.  The vegetable stalls were much like the market at home - but the cheese, fish,  and butcher stalls were really spectacular. There were partridges hanging (in full feather) as well as wild duck.  There were also ducks, rabbits, and suckling lamb and pigs - in a form I more associate with things found at a butchers. Fish stalls here are really interesting.  With the exception of octopus, rays, and mackerel - a lot of the fish are Mediterranean and I don't recognize them at all.

We bought the wild duck, some fish, and some other miscellaneous items, and trundled back for a lovely lunch.  Charlie is on the mend.  We'll try to go to museums tomorrow.  One of Geoff's neighbors is playing piano - it reminds me of my French - one can tell generally what's being played - but it's halting and has many mistakes.

Resting for a day isn't a bad prospect.  Some views of Geoff's condo.

Geoff has a small ledge outside his living room/dining room as seen above.

Where I've been working while Geoff and Charlie rest.

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