Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Saturday night, Geoff made wild duck.  It really is different than any duck I've had.  Smaller, tougher, I think I like regular puddle ducks for dinner.

On Sunday, Charlie was feeling much better, so after our croissant and coffee breakfast, he and I headed to the Musee d'Orsay.  The last time I was here, Sadie Medina and I had attempted to go to the museum.  Unfortunately, a fire broke out somewhere.  Smoke could be seen billowing out of the place, the fire department was called, and Sadie and I were tossed out.  Fortunately, we hadn't paid for tickets, so we were only disappointed.

I took a few photos of our walk to the Orsay.

This time, fortunately, no fire.  We got into the museum and spent a wonderful day.  The museum has three floors of art - most of which is impressionist art.  As we walked and looked at the paintings, we read the titles, and I translated either from the French I know, or more often, looking at my dictionary.

We ate lunch in the cafe there, which is in a spectacular setting.  We tried a French chicken and mushroom pie.  It was delicious - if not what we expected.  The English know pies - the French make lovely tarts.
This is a photo of the cafe.  The round window in the background is a large clock.  There are two large clocks visible from the outside of the museum.  This was one of them.

A photo of Mont Martre seen from the windows of the Orsay.

We really had a great time.  The best thing we did there was get there early.  When we first went into the museum, it was amazingly pleasant.  By the end (around 2:30 or 3 in the afternoon), we tried to go into the section that displayed Van Gogh, Picasso, and several other major impressionists.  It was so crowded that it bordered on the unpleasant.  There are signs everywhere telling people not to take photos.  Some character took a photo in this section with his iphone that made a huge flash.  I felt sorry for the guard in the area who had to squeeze through the crowds in order to tell this clown the obvious - no photos.

Geoff felt like eating out, so we went to a sidewalk place.  Charlie and I order Jose Bove hamburgers.  AKA hamburgers.

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