Friday, July 9, 2010


Once we finished with Memphis we drove on to a place called Sakarah.  The most famous thing there is a step pyramid and some fascinating tombs.  The walls of the tombs have friezes that depict life along the Nile in ancient Egypt.  Most interesting were pictures of hippos biting crocodiles and crocodiles chomping into hippos.  Apparently several centuries ago an earthquake uplifted the region.  From then on the water dumped into the Nile more directly - not so many marshes and swamps.  Away went the hippos and eventually the crocodiles were left south of the Aswan dam. 

From there we went to Giza and looked at the major pyramids and the sphinx.  Apparently, the layout of the pyramids were a top portion with the pyramid and a temple to the buried person.  Below was another temple for mummification.  There was a pathway (alabaster) from the top temple to the bottom one.  Here, the sphinx was a guard along the pathway. 

Our guide, Nabil, had mountainous amounts of information which has left me a little flat lined - brain wise.  He also volunteered to take our picture at all the famous sites which is why our photos have a "flat Judy and Charlie" tour Egypt look to them.  If you'd like a "flat Judy and Charlie" free photo - let me know.  He also gave us a heads up when we walked around Giza - offerings of "free items" usually led to haranguing and demands for lots of money.  We, obviously, also avoided pony carts, horse rides, camel rides, and "hugs". 

Until tomorrow....

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